Common Question from Brides: What if I Plan to Lose Weight

At House of White, we’ve been styling brides and guiding them through the process of getting dressed for their wedding day for 12 years. Over that time we’ve mastered the art of tackling every bride’s question, concern, and query one could possibly think of. A common question that’s come up consistently for the past 12 years is how to handle bridal weight loss…i.e., how can I order a gown a year before my wedding if I plan to lose weight?

Let’s start with the timeline of it all; yes, a wedding gowns require lengthy production time, because they are made-to-order for each individual bride. Wedding gowns are not mass-produced, and to allocate time for alterations, it’s generally recommended that brides order their gown nearly a year ahead of their wedding. That timeline can always be pushed to closer to 6-8 months, but one would has to accept the potential for rush fees and/or a tight alterations turn around.

So given the realities of timeline, what do you do when you want to lose weight before your wedding?

Our response is this: You do not need to lose weight. Full stop.

Forgive us if we sound curt on this particular topic, but after 12 years we’ve observed heartbreaking amounts of body shaming, fat phobia, and unnecessary body standards, sometimes self inflicted, sometimes coming from friends and family, and often coming from society. We’re here to announce that era is officially over, and from now on the goal on one’s wedding day is to look healthy and happy and nothing else.

Now, we will acknowledge that sometimes body changes are inevitable; we have brides who deal with weight fluctuation prior to their wedding due to health reasons, pregnancy, breast augmentation, stress, you name it. It’s incredibly common, and the good news is that bridal gowns are designed with this in mind! Designers know that their gowns are undoubtedly going to be altered, and when that happens they want their intended design to be upheld. Which is why a well-made bridal gown will include darts and seams specifically intended aid in tailoring, as well as ample seam allowance in the event a gown needs to be let out. Alternatively, our designers are always accommodating by making yardage of their fabrics available for purchase to assist in alterations. Also the seamstresses House of White includes in our referral list are all capable and willing to work with brides who require a level above your standard tailoring. When substantial reconstruction is required, they’re able to accommodate.

So, to the brides who have a target weight loss goal in mind before their wedding, we say this:

  • You are perfect. Full stop. The version of you now, the version of you ten years ago, and ten years from now…they’re all perfect. No need to change a thing.

  • There’s a long tradition of elder generations looking at their wedding photos and saying “that’s the best I’ve ever looked” or “would you believe I was a size 2 on my wedding day?” With respect to our elders, those days are done. Our wedding photos are not for bragging about our physical appearance or size. They’re for looking at and saying “look how happy we are!” That’s it.

  • Delaying wedding gown shopping until you’ve hit a target weight/size only adds a layer of pressure and anxiety during an already stressful time. Don’t do this to yourself. Shop for your wedding gown based on the realities of delivery times and your wedding date. If you’re worried your feelings about your body will affect your enjoyment of the process, then we’re here to help. Carefully select your shopping squad (or go alone if that helps) so that you have zero added negative influence or pressure. Shop on a quiet weekday if that helps. Book your bridal appointment after lunch with your bestie and a fresh blowout if that will help you feel good. There are plenty of ways to help you feel confident going into bridal gown shopping that don’t include weight loss.

  • Order your wedding gown for the body you have right now. We will always talk a bride out of ordering her gown in smaller size than she measures at her appointment with the intention of incentivizing weight loss. It’s never a good idea, is incredibly risky, and is incredibly cruel to your future self. No bride needs the added pressure of “if I don’t lose 10 pounds, my dress will be too small”. Dress the body you have now, and if weight fluctuation does occur, you can have your gown altered.

House of White is owned by a woman, and operated by women because we as women know how challenging it can be to have a healthy relationship with our bodies, especially at this juncture in one’s life. We approach every bride with the kindness, sensitivity, and knowledge required to help them feel confident and happy on their wedding day.

You’re perfect, and you’ve got this :)

House of White is an intimate bridal experience in the heart of Historic Newburgh, Indiana, just outside Evansville. For eleven years House of White has been a designer bridal shopping destination for brides from Indianapolis, Bloomington, Louisville, Bowling Green, Owensboro, St. Louis, Nashville, Cincinnati, and everywhere in between :)